अन्न से मन तक

हम सब अक्सर यह सुनते आए हैं ,”जैसा खाए अन्न,वैसा रहे मन जैसा पिए पानी वैसी रहे वाणी”। आज हम बात करेंगे क्या सच में ऐसा होता है अगर हां तो -कैसे? हमारे शरीर में जाने वाले उनका हमारे मन से गहरा संबंध है। अन्न को प्राप्त करने के लिए जिस तरह के साधनों का प्रयोग किया जाता है उसका सीधा प्रभाव ग्रहण करने वाले के मन पर पड़ता है, उसके सोचने के तरीके में पड़ता है। अन्न के गुणों के आधार पर उसी तीन प्रकार में बांटा गया है:
१. सात्विक
२. तामसिक
३. राजसी
सात्विक- हमारी संस्कृति में सात्विक भोजन को सबसे ज्यादा महत्व दिया गया है। सात्विक भोजन पूर्ण रूप से शाकाहारी ,हल्का ,ताजा ,तथा पोषक तत्वों से भरा हुआ होता है जोकि पचने में आसान होता है।
मानसिक प्रभाव: सातवी किया शुद्ध एवं पौष्टिक तत्वों से पूर्ण भोजन ना केवल शरीर के लिए बल्कि मनोस्थिति के लिए भी अत्यंत लाभकारी होता है। पारंपरिक तरीकों से तैयार किया गया सात्विक भोजन क्रोध ,आलस्य को दूर कर मस्तिष्क को शांत रखता है जो कि अंततः आपके व्यवहार को संतुलित एवं मधुर रखता है। खाया हुआ अन्न तीन प्रकार का हो जाता है स्थूल भाग ,मध्यम भाग और सूक्ष्म भाग। जो सूक्ष्म भाग है वह मन हो जाता है। अन केवल पेट भरने या शारीरिक ताकत के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि आपकी मन और आत्मा के व्यवहार को भी नियंत्रित करता है। भोजन बनाने वाला जिस तरह की मानसिक स्थिति में भोजन बनाता एवं परोसता है, उसी तरह की भावना उस भोजन के जरिए आप तक पहुंचती हैं। यही कारण है कि पुराने समय के रिश्तो एवं संबंधों को मधुर तथा मजबूत बनाने के लिए दोस्तों रिश्तेदारों को घर बुलाकर भोजन कराने की परंपरा अभी तक जीवित है। तभी यह भी कहा जाता है किसी के दिल का रास्ता उसके पेट से होकर गुजरता है। तू अगर आप अपनी भोजन से सभी पौष्टिक तत्व, फाइबर और आपकी भावनाएं अपनो तक पहुंचाना चाहते हैं तो जुड़िए हमारे साथ। green future private limited इंडिया में लेकर आए हैं बहुत ही छोटी लेकिन अद्भुत जर्मनी में बनी हुई घरेलू आटा चक्की।

यह आटा चक्की आपकी रसोई के लिए वरदान साबित होती है। यह चकिया 11 अलग-अलग मॉडल्स में लाई गई हैं आपकी जरूरतों को ध्यान में रखते हुए। सभी मौजूद इतने छोटे हैं कि आप ही ने अपनी रसोई की सलाह पर थोड़ी सी जगह में रख सकते हैं और जब मन चाहे तब आसानी से प्रयोग कर सकते हैं बिना किसी परेशानी के। आप जो भी चाहे वह अनाज जैसे गेहूं बाजरा मक्का चना चावल आदि जितना मर्जी बारीकियां मोटा भी सत्य है जितनी मात्रा में चाहे उतना। एक चम्मच अनाज भी इसमें पीसा जा सकता है। बिना नमी या तेल की सभी अनाज/ मसाले/ दाले इसमें पीसी जा सकती हैं। सिर्फ एक लीवर को घुमा कर दलिया और बेसन भी इसमें बनाया जा सकता है। इसकी बिजली की खपत बहुत कम है क्योंकि हमारी छोटी मशीनों में 360 वॉट और थोड़ी ज्यादा क्षमता वाली मशीनों में 600 वाट की मोटर लगी है जो कि पीसते वक्त बहुत कम आवाज करती है।इसे हर प्रयोग के बाद साफ करने की आवश्यकता बिल्कुल नहीं पड़ती क्योंकि इसके अंदर लगा क्लीनिंग ब्रश इसमें आता या मसाले को रहने नहीं देता। इन घरेलू आटा चक्कीयो में पिसाई के लिए प्रयोग होने वाले पत्थर सेरेमिक कोरंडम हमें पुराने समय की ओर ले जाता है जिसमें दो पाटों के बीच अनाज पीसा जाता था। यह तकनीक पीसते वक्त आठवीं को गर्म नहीं होने देती जिससे उसकी पौष्टिकता बरकरार रहती है। इस तरह हमारी ग्रीन फ्यूचर आटा चक्की आपके तन और मन दोनों का ख्याल रखने के लिए बेहतरीन है।
आपका दिन शुभ हो।।


It is customary for the customer to enquire about the cost involved in producing any product, especially a premium one. This is no exception to our premium range of German flour mills. It is a common retort that “Oh it’s just a motor and two pieces of stones”, customers even talk about the compact size being one of the parameters which should qualify as a parameter to reduce cost. Bigger is equal to higher cost is at times a dilemma that a customer faces while deciding about kitchen appliance. So we decided to take our keen customers to a journey which justifies what we describe as “the cost of being premium”.


The first step toward producing our Premium Mills is the work that is neither vivid nor in public domain, hence it does not get its due share of appreciation. This is represented as R & D or “Research and Development”. This is one pains taking, time consuming, at times disheartening and yet core part of process which actually prepares the ground for initial foundation for our flour mills. Once the process is successfully carried out, it culminates into ensuring that our flour mills not only meets but also exceeds the expectations of our customers. Ensuring that our Mills always deliver more than expectations it qualifies us as a Premium Manufacturer of Flour Mills. However, since this action is always behind the scenes, hence the cost, effort, heartbreaks and energy that goes into making a premium product through R & D is seldom visible or comprehended by the user or customer.

Hawos dedicates a huge amount of resources in conceptualizing, ideation, standardizing, prototyping, testing and finally launching its products. Once the Mills are in production, we stay current by researching how we can enhancing the aesthetic value,  incorporate advanced technology, source and use efficient raw material all to ensure that our Flour mills continuously provide the “WOW” factor to our customers across the globe. This is invisible cost is by the core strength behind Hawos flour Mills, that provide appealing designs and ensure that they are aligned with your requirements and fulfill your needs successfully every time.


Now that you are in comprehension of the back ground process of how this wonder machine comes in existence let’s have a look at the incomparable features of this machine which will certainly more than justify its cost effectiveness. To make these domestic flour mills aesthetically appealing and deliver on quality the outer casing is made of the beach or birch wood, in either ply and solid variants depending on its model. Its smooth curves ensure that they remain the center of attraction and utility in your kitchen. Both of these woods come from PEFC certified forest complying the standards of sustainability and nature oriented practices. Both versions have natural and vital surfaces combating the consequences of unstable temperature and humidity. Moreover, these wooden bodies are treated with linseed oil for extra protection and life.

Further, the grinding stones used in these premium MINI MILLS are made of compressed oven baked ceramic corundum composites, which will leave you in nostalgia. Hawos mills delivers the ancient technique in an ultra-modern convenience. This stone is resistant to accumulation of residuals or milling debris and deliver exceptionally consistent and efficient grinding results. Grinding with this stone does not heat up the flour, consequently preserving all the nutrients and fibers to its full potential. The Ceramic corundum stones are self-sharpening, and provide an abrasive surface that grinds the grains to the required particle size with more precision. The durability and functional life of the stone is beyond expectations. Self-sharpening feature of the stone ensures consistent grinding performance and deters the stone from jamming. These stones comes in two different diameters for its 11 variants, for ultra-compact models the diameter of the stones is 70 mm and the higher capacity models the diameter is 100 mm.

Understanding the motors mechanism is an absolute delight. Besides the stone dimensions the performance is driven by motor capacity. These ultra-high performance industrial motors come in two variants 360 watts and 600 Watts, they not only consume low electricity, are super silent but also ensure consistent outputs. Adding to fine workmanship these German flour Mills are completely protected with ETA circuit breaker switches. These high-quality thermal over-current protection switches serve as on and off switches concurrently.  They trip the machine off in case of any extraneous matter accidentally enters the milling material for few seconds or in case the machines are overused and get heated.

These distinctive features of these Atta chakkis are qualifiers that make the mills worthy of a premium cost.  Their high performance with least efforts, tremendous health benefits and substantial aesthetic value brighten up the place around them. So your quest for mini MILLING MACHINES to make your delicacies healthier and tastier ends with these flour Mills.

We’d would love to hear your queries and response with pleasure. Please reach out to us at www.greenfuturemill.com.

Thanks for helping us to serve health to the WORLD.

Right Food, Right Mood

You are what you eat!  In ancient times it is believed that food to be the creator of life force that sustains our bodies and keeps us in good physical and health. Therefore it is essential for all to make the right food choices for healthy living. Among the three categories of food Raajsik, Taamsik and Saatvik foods, Saatvik is considered to be the most beneficial for our mental and the physical well-being. It makes you feel light, enthusiastic and energetic. It is the one that is pure, clean and wholesome which promotes intelligence, strength and positive thinking. Ultimately positive thinking brings happiness and satisfaction in your life. Food is not only about the nutrients which nourish the body but also about the positive vibes which impact the mind. So, the food we eat is not just going to give us physical health but is playing a very vital role for our mental well-being. As we are conscious about the nutritional properties of food like protein, carbohydrates, calcium and others in our meal, the vibration of food we are eating is nevertheless vital for our emotional health.


Food is not only meant to fill stomach but also meant for soul. People who are conscious about the hygiene, freshness healthfulness and nutrition value of the food will be pleasantly surprised to know that now they can choose to introduce domestic hawos flour mill in their kitchen. These super compact, yet powerful and silent mills serve all your milling requirements with utmost ease. You may mill fresh flour, porridge, gram flour, pulses and spices too. These domestic flour mill not only serve hygienic, wholesome and nutritious food to your family and loved ones, but it also delivers love, care and good vibes.

Home cooked food is considered to be healthy, nutritious, similarly stone ground whole grain flour mill makes your food healthier, nutritious and tastier. Families are not only assured about the quality of ingredients but can also choose various grain size to plan a surprise in the bite. Serve your family love, care freshness and health through your culinary creations and make the bon-homme stronger.

Celebrate your food!!

This balanced diet allows for optimum digestion, absorption, assimilation of nutrients. Most of the traditional foods across all regions follow the above proportions.



Dadi-ke-Nushke: Household flour mill and its relevance in modern times

The centuries-old tradition of using an attachakki or household flour mill for flour has lost its value and amidst the fast-growing refined flour made readily available. The traditional method used for flour dates back to the Egyptian era, where two round stones were placed on top of each other, with a handle being used for grinding flour on the top of it. The flour milled with manual attachakki maximum nutritional value, as the bran, germ, and endosperm of a whole-grain are not damaged due to the process.

However, with changing times and technology, rolled milled flour or commercial atta chakki machine in delhi units have taken over the business of refined flour using high-speed rollers that heat the whole-grains and endosperm is processed into a smooth, silky texture making the dough, soft and fluffy. In contrast, the bran and germ components are shredded and away in the process of refining flour, which contains fiber, proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids that are vital for brain development.

Amidst the two, Dadi-ke-nushke is back in vogue with a modern touch. Electric household atta chakki /domestic attachakki is a perfect blend of beauty with brains. Sleek, compact and user-friendly attachakki is an appliance worth investing in as it any whole grain into flour within no time and encompasses all nutritional benefits as compared to refined flour.

A progressive shift towards domestic attachakki:

With climate change conditions and global population been discussed in regularity, the production time of wholegrain and cost to harvest being minimal, that was forgotten over time, is back in fashion. Wholegrain is a powerhouse of nutrients from our traditional sustenance to take care of our daily protein and vitamin requirement along with fruits and vegetables for a healthy life. also resilient to weather conditions and can be stored for longer duration’s and are energy-dense.


The attachakki concept and making flatbreads (Roti’s) using household flourmills in India has been from our dadi’s-dadi time and much before. They have vouched for healthy dietary components with the inclusion of whole grain products and whole-wheat flour made at home with attachakki. With numerous health benefits and a huge diversity of flavors, eating wholegrain lowers your risk of chronic disease, diabetes, and obesity and help support digestion.


In an era where social media and its platform drives most of your lifestyle choices, be rooted in your tradition. Dadi-ke-nushke has its relevance even in modern times, where your food choices should be more specific to agricultural products of your country vs. cold storage. Freshly made delights of attachakki at home vs. refined flour can be beneficial to the whole family and kids specifically, will be inclined towards better food-choices in their adult-hood. Why not start them on the right foot?


Attachakki or household flourmill being the most common appliance in the past had our ancestors live longer, healthier, and free of ill health due to the dietary choices they have made. Furthermore, from an environmental point of view, whole grain that has been a traditional diet across the globe for millennia, comparatively require very less water as against any other food we consume.


Choose them for their superior taste, for your well being, or environmental purposes, but be sure to add them to your next plate.


Wholegrain flour diet for kids and senior

Foundation in kids at an early age for eating healthy and indulging them into whole-grain made cereals, flatbread, traditional home-made roti’s made out of domestic flour mill and whole-wheat pasta is a great way to introduce them to whole-grain made products vs. refined or processed foods. Whole-grain products are a rich source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, iron, and zinc and are a good-fat source of carbohydrates that are required for a rapidly growing age and why not get them started on a right diet?

Researchers believe that kids are prone to tasty food vs. grain choices. Parents who think “my kids are picky eaters and reluctant towards whole-grain products” should consider re-thinking their options and offer more delicious and healthy food. Kids pay very little attention to whole-grain or processed food and will gobble up anything tastier. Perhaps! Choosing food for your child should be a conscious act as India has already recorded a whopping 15% cases of overweight and obesity amongst children. Furthermore, children of upper-income families have recorded 35-40% cases, which is a severe indication of dietary problems in kids in India. The elementary cause of childhood obesity is an imbalanced diet and overexposure to refined and packaged food.

Seniors and older people are at a high risk of deficiencies and have varied nutritional needs for their reduced appetite as our bodies change with time. Age-related changes concerning lower metabolism rate and digestive system changes can affect their emotional and hence eating the right food with a good-balanced diet can substantially reduce their chances of ill health and, add more years to their life.

How do we change?

Amongst many tips for nutritional health, having a domestic flour mills at home can reduce of your problems in one go. Of course, whole grains are beneficial for seniors, but getting your children used to the taste of whole-grain products made out of flourmill, at an early age can influence their preferences for eating-healthy in their adulthood. Middle-aged folks can easily make a switch once you realize the benefits your future.

The sleek, stylish and user-friendly domestic flourmills can be your kitchen’s best friends, as they not just flours within minutes, nutritional benefits are far more than refined flour.

Furthermore, it is important to enjoy whole-grains products and simple lifestyle changes, for example, choosing whole-wheat bread instead of white bread, whole-wheat pasta vs. white pasta, inclusion of oats, ragi and other whole-grain porridges (out of fresh flour made with breakfast can positive results on your health. Wheat rotis are a staple diet in India and investing in domestic flourmill is essential as minerals and components are lost in readily available wheat flour due to the refining process.

When air fryers can take space in your kitchen, why not flour mill?

Why do we shift to domestic flourmill?

A whole new generation of kids – obese free, a middle-aged diet-conscious group of people and seniors can be free of ill health and have their most important staple diet “wheat flour” free of any preservatives. They can enjoy new foods, healthy snacks and together as a family can learn the importance of nutritional benefits and traditional flourmill. Additionally, when wholegrain flour is introduced at an early age, the rapidly growing kids will have an inclination towards whole-grain foods for a lifetime.

Wholegrain flour vs. refined flour

Whole grain is a grain of a cereal that contains endosperm, germ, and bran. The bran is an outer fiber layer of a grain that contains B vitamins, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. The germ is the core of the seed and is rich in healthy fats, vitamins E, B vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. And finally, the endosperm is the interior-, which  carbohydrates, protein, and minerals.

In a nutshell, whole grain is a complete package of health benefits loaded with essential nutrients and whole-grain flour made out of Domestic flour mill has all benefits of wholegrain cereal.

Refined flour is a product of wholegrain flour processed to arrive at a silky, smooth texture, which is easy-to-digest as it only the endosperm. Bran is fibrous and moderately difficult to chew, and  has fat content, which limits the shelf life of the products, and hence the same are removed to make a fluffy dough, light, and airy, chapattis and pastries. In the process of refining grains, most essentials nutrients are shredded away for all marketing and tasty purposes, leaving a dull, unhealthy, and fat-full life.

Research shows that choosing whole grains flour made out of imported flour mill vs. refined grains has enormous health benefits with high-quality carbohydrates and traditional nutritional values. Now imagine if you can grind your flour with domestic Household Flour Mill? Well, when you can grind your coffees, why not flour? With household flour mills now available in India, make your perfect flour, not just for health benefits, but also for tastier delicacies. The liveliness of freshly milled flour at home is a revelation, and no looking back once you taste delicious food made out-of-them. It is similar to buying a tomato straight from farmer vs. a cold-storage supermarket.

With flour mill, mill all grains in your pantry, from corn, wheat, bajra, barley, chili, and others, and be surprised at the flavors that emanate from a fleshly floured mill. Food most nutrients when they are used at the peak of their freshness, and countless bakers and chefs across the vouch for fresh wholegrain flour made in their kitchen with best domestic flour mill.

The incredible taste and flavor of whole grain, as a topic, has been discussed over and over again in the recent past, and to the maximum aroma and taste, nothing can beat the freshly grounded flour with household flour-mill. The trend continues, and with gaining momentum, food enthusiasts across the world celebrate the flavor of fresh flour, and it only seems natural to adapt to a healthy lifestyle with kitchen appliances that are trendy with tremendous benefit and domestic flour-mill is one such product.

Turn on whole grains,

Turn off refined flour,

Butter is incredible but

Bread is a family tree.

Domestic atta chakki roti is the choice of young folks

Whole-grain, as we already know, is a good source of nutrients with immense health benefits. With growing health concerns and awareness, India is moving towards a healthier you, and young folks of India are investing in kitchen appliances that are trendy with tremendous benefits and attachakki is one such product.

Whole-grain wheat roti’s made out of attachakki /flour mill at home are incredibly fresh, soft, and crunchy when cooked as they are free of any deceives or preservatives that harm and affect you daily.

Below are some of the famous Indian breads, their composition, and how having atta chakki/flour mill at home can make your life healthier?

Whole-wheat flour breads:

Whole-wheat flour roti are the most popular form of wheat roti’s used in Indian cooking. They form an essential part of in India. With surging popularity, whole wheat is the new choice of a middle-age group, which they consciously include in their diet plans. Whole wheat flour roti’s made out of domestic atta chakki are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and are an excellent source of soluble fiber to keep your digestive system, in shape as required.

Pearl millet flour breads:

Popularly known as Bajra-ki-Roti, a fabulous choice to add to your dietary plans. Bajra is rich in essential components such as protein, fiber, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron. Due to its slow digestive capacity, it releases glucose at a slower rate, resulting in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Add bajra roti made out of domestic attachakki to your lunchtime or make healthy porridge for breakfast to stay energetic all through the day.

Sorghum flour breads:

Popularly known as Jollada roti or Jowar-ki-roti in India is again power-packed with protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. A small portion of Jowar has a whopping 22 grams of protein and Jowar being a rich source of protein, should be the most important intake in your diet plan. Flour grinded at home with domestic attachakki can help in weight loss; control blood sugar levels, and is good for diabetic patients. It also is gluten-free by nature.

Finger Millet flour:

Commonly known as Ragi in India, finger millet flour is no exception to being a powerhouse for fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and are high in calcium. With cooling efforts it has on your body, you don’t have to look any further on your calcium intake. Add a spoon of ragi flour with atta chakki at home, to a glass of boiling water with a pinch of salt and let it cool down. Drink it to calm and cool your body. Ragi also does wonders when you are on a weight-loss mission, and fighting diabetes

Ragimuddeor Ragi balls is a must-try recipe from the kitchen of South-India.

Barley Flour:

Barley has numerous amounts of health benefits and helps in controlling blood sugar levels; lower glucose levels reduces blood pressure and help control cholesterol. Jauki Roti is a great addition to your dietary plans for staying healthy and fit, without compromising on your taste buds. Make delicious roti’s out of homemade flour mill for lunch and serve with pickle or make pancakes for breakfast with grated vegetables to energize your day.