Multigrain vs Wholegrain

Most of the people tend to get confuse between multigrain and wholegrain. Are multigrain and wholegrain interchangeable terms? Of course, not! To have a better understanding one has to understand the basic attributes of both.

Whole grain is one which retains all of its natural contents- bran, endosperm and germ. Therefore, whole grain is a great source of vitamins, nutrients and fiber. Whereas, bran and germ are generally stripped off in refined grains to give them a longer shelf life which makes them less nutritious.

On the other hand multigrain food comprises of more than one grain, but not necessarily all are whole grains. These grains can be wheat, barley, millet, corn, black gram, ragi, buckwheat etc.

Now the question arises which is healthier between two. Multigrain may sound a better and healthier option but it may not be if it includes refined grains. Nowadays, people prefer multigrain bread, buns, kulchas over white ones which is definitely a good choice but whole wheat bakery products are a better option instead. As multigrain may not include all goodness of whole grains and may deprive you of the benefits if it contains different refined grains. After you have gone through the above information your preferences between two might change. Multigrain may prove healthier than whole wheat only if it contains different whole grains which means the grains used in it have all three parts of it. In these three parts, bran is a great source of fiber to fix your digestive upsets and make it even smoother.

While in endosperm, the interior layer of grain is packed with carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and other minerals.

At last comes this tiny part of grain, germ. This small part holds many benefits. Germ is an excellent source of magnesium, zinc and phosphorus etc.

To get the best out of your multigrain, nothing is better than milling them at home in your kitchen.

Greenfuture provides you the perfect solution for this without walking an extra mile. We have introduced German ultra-modern domestic flour mills in India with unique features.

These mills are so compact to adjust aesthetically in your cooking area and add spark to your kitchen counter. These Atta chakki’s work on Six Sigma technology which ensures excellent performance while using minimal electricity. Usage of these Grain grinders are not confined to grains only, but you can grind spices, pulses too on your own.

These machines come in 11 different models, each with different delivery capacities and outer body cover. All of the models use same technique and a unique grinding tool called Ceramic Corundum. This stone is specially designed to support cool grinding, in other words grinding through these stones does not heat the flour. Cool grinding in  Greenfuture domestic flour mills helps to retain all the nutrients of the material to be ground.

Freshly ground grains/spices/pulses taste even better and have all the nutrients in store. So choose yours among 11……..

Get the quality flour from your quality grains!!!!!!

Things to be considered during Covid – 19

This unprecedented period has taught us a lot. We have become more independent and self-reliant. We have adopted hygienic habits in our daily routine. We all have enjoyed a quality family time these days. Parents are happy as their kids have learnt to eat healthy, home cooked food. Since eating healthy has become of utmost importance, staying home and having home cooked meal is the right thing to do. We should strictly follow the safety measures against contracting the virus like avoiding outdoor exposures, maintaining social distancing, wearing mask, and frequent hand wash or sanitizing. Grocery, vegetables and milk are some basic essentials which we have to buy frequently or daily basis. In that case Greenfuture private limited puts together useful tips for safety aspects:

Wear mask and gloves: As we all know according to worldwide safety guidelines wearing gloves and mask is compulsory when you go out of the house to avoid direct contact with things that have been touched before.

Avoid touching unnecessary items: while buying groceries, fruits and vegetables etc. try not to touch extra items.

Carry your own shopping bag: Carrying your own shopping bags when you step out to shop will protect you from the risk of directly holding many plastic or other bags.

Choose online payment modes: Try to make payments online as exchanging currency is highly risky because it passes through many hands.
Prefer online shopping: Avoid buying things physically from shops as much as you can. There are many online portals to fulfill our shopping needs which are convenient and safer. So try to switch to online shopping for your requirements.

Don’t use goods or packets directly after bringing home: Rinse the perishable things thoroughly in freshwater, dip them in lukewarm water or mix baking soda in dipping water for a while, wash them again and store them in fridge after drying. You can also leave the packets in sunshine in your balcony if the ingredient inside allows so.

Don’t receive home deliveries directly: Ask the delivery boy to leave the packet outside or put a basket or bucket to drop the packet in, sanitize them before you hold them or bring inside.

Disinfect your home regularly: Make this a habit to disinfect the handles and knobs of doors and frequently touched surfaces to maintain hygiene.
At last thinking positive and staying aware is the most important thing in such testing times. Stay home eat healthy and fresh to keep yourself fit.

Green future private limited will be more than happy if our compact domestic flour Mills help you to serve the purpose. These atta chakkis ensure the utmost hygiene and freshness of your food in most convenient manner. Buy whole grain of your choice rather than packed flour and grind it in your kitchen without any mess up or flour dust. Freshly ground flour/spices/pulses add irresistible aroma and flavor to your culinary arts. Freshly ground ingredients retain all the nutrients to the fullest. In such testing times it has become a must in your kitchen to be more sure about hygiene and freshness.

Stay safe….stay healthy!!!


अन्न से मन तक

हम सब अक्सर यह सुनते आए हैं ,”जैसा खाए अन्न,वैसा रहे मन जैसा पिए पानी वैसी रहे वाणी”। आज हम बात करेंगे क्या सच में ऐसा होता है अगर हां तो -कैसे? हमारे शरीर में जाने वाले उनका हमारे मन से गहरा संबंध है। अन्न को प्राप्त करने के लिए जिस तरह के साधनों का प्रयोग किया जाता है उसका सीधा प्रभाव ग्रहण करने वाले के मन पर पड़ता है, उसके सोचने के तरीके में पड़ता है। अन्न के गुणों के आधार पर उसी तीन प्रकार में बांटा गया है:
१. सात्विक
२. तामसिक
३. राजसी
सात्विक- हमारी संस्कृति में सात्विक भोजन को सबसे ज्यादा महत्व दिया गया है। सात्विक भोजन पूर्ण रूप से शाकाहारी ,हल्का ,ताजा ,तथा पोषक तत्वों से भरा हुआ होता है जोकि पचने में आसान होता है।
मानसिक प्रभाव: सातवी किया शुद्ध एवं पौष्टिक तत्वों से पूर्ण भोजन ना केवल शरीर के लिए बल्कि मनोस्थिति के लिए भी अत्यंत लाभकारी होता है। पारंपरिक तरीकों से तैयार किया गया सात्विक भोजन क्रोध ,आलस्य को दूर कर मस्तिष्क को शांत रखता है जो कि अंततः आपके व्यवहार को संतुलित एवं मधुर रखता है। खाया हुआ अन्न तीन प्रकार का हो जाता है स्थूल भाग ,मध्यम भाग और सूक्ष्म भाग। जो सूक्ष्म भाग है वह मन हो जाता है। अन केवल पेट भरने या शारीरिक ताकत के लिए ही नहीं बल्कि आपकी मन और आत्मा के व्यवहार को भी नियंत्रित करता है। भोजन बनाने वाला जिस तरह की मानसिक स्थिति में भोजन बनाता एवं परोसता है, उसी तरह की भावना उस भोजन के जरिए आप तक पहुंचती हैं। यही कारण है कि पुराने समय के रिश्तो एवं संबंधों को मधुर तथा मजबूत बनाने के लिए दोस्तों रिश्तेदारों को घर बुलाकर भोजन कराने की परंपरा अभी तक जीवित है। तभी यह भी कहा जाता है किसी के दिल का रास्ता उसके पेट से होकर गुजरता है। तू अगर आप अपनी भोजन से सभी पौष्टिक तत्व, फाइबर और आपकी भावनाएं अपनो तक पहुंचाना चाहते हैं तो जुड़िए हमारे साथ। green future private limited इंडिया में लेकर आए हैं बहुत ही छोटी लेकिन अद्भुत जर्मनी में बनी हुई घरेलू आटा चक्की।

यह आटा चक्की आपकी रसोई के लिए वरदान साबित होती है। यह चकिया 11 अलग-अलग मॉडल्स में लाई गई हैं आपकी जरूरतों को ध्यान में रखते हुए। सभी मौजूद इतने छोटे हैं कि आप ही ने अपनी रसोई की सलाह पर थोड़ी सी जगह में रख सकते हैं और जब मन चाहे तब आसानी से प्रयोग कर सकते हैं बिना किसी परेशानी के। आप जो भी चाहे वह अनाज जैसे गेहूं बाजरा मक्का चना चावल आदि जितना मर्जी बारीकियां मोटा भी सत्य है जितनी मात्रा में चाहे उतना। एक चम्मच अनाज भी इसमें पीसा जा सकता है। बिना नमी या तेल की सभी अनाज/ मसाले/ दाले इसमें पीसी जा सकती हैं। सिर्फ एक लीवर को घुमा कर दलिया और बेसन भी इसमें बनाया जा सकता है। इसकी बिजली की खपत बहुत कम है क्योंकि हमारी छोटी मशीनों में 360 वॉट और थोड़ी ज्यादा क्षमता वाली मशीनों में 600 वाट की मोटर लगी है जो कि पीसते वक्त बहुत कम आवाज करती है।इसे हर प्रयोग के बाद साफ करने की आवश्यकता बिल्कुल नहीं पड़ती क्योंकि इसके अंदर लगा क्लीनिंग ब्रश इसमें आता या मसाले को रहने नहीं देता। इन घरेलू आटा चक्कीयो में पिसाई के लिए प्रयोग होने वाले पत्थर सेरेमिक कोरंडम हमें पुराने समय की ओर ले जाता है जिसमें दो पाटों के बीच अनाज पीसा जाता था। यह तकनीक पीसते वक्त आठवीं को गर्म नहीं होने देती जिससे उसकी पौष्टिकता बरकरार रहती है। इस तरह हमारी ग्रीन फ्यूचर आटा चक्की आपके तन और मन दोनों का ख्याल रखने के लिए बेहतरीन है।
आपका दिन शुभ हो।।

Met the real food with best ingredients

Cooking works as meditation when love and patience are the main ingredients. Food is not a stuff to fill your stomach only, but nourish your body and mind as well. A lot of efforts, emotions, and best chosen ingredients, at last but not the least your willingness to cook are the key factors to create culinary wonders. Both the quality and quantity of ingredients plays a vital role in adding taste and flavor to a dish.

If the ingredients which are being used to cook a delicacy are fresh, hygienic and are used in accurate amount, undoubtedly the magic of your hand will turn them into scrumptious dishes. Fresh food with fresh ingredients always taste more relishing and healthful. Freshness in life in any form bring happiness, positivity which ultimately leads to a healthier you.

In Indian cuisine flour and spices are unavoidable ingredients in most of the recipes. For those times when you find it difficult to get fresh flour of any particular grain for any particular dish, need not to worry anymore, Greenfuture has brought a perfect solution for all these concerns.We are happy to introduce these wonderful milling equipment in India in 11 models delivering different capacities with same precision.

All models are surprisingly close packed (compact in size) that can be placed on your kitchen counter very conveniently, settled in less space. Adding this atta chakki in your kitchen gadgets means you are adding hygiene, freshness and more nutrition in your life. Operating these milling machine is quite a pretty easy task. They do not need any specific process of installation, nor do they require any technique to operate them. What all you have to do is just plug the mill in, press the button on and go for it. Many times few recipes demands different grain flour in less quantity for which you do not wanna store that for longer. Don’t worry with this Chhota Jadugar ( domestic flour mill ) even a spoonful of grain/spices/pulses can be ground finely without any process loss. Believe me, the taste and nutritional value of dishes using fresh flour and spices increases manifolds. Permeated aroma of home ground fresh beat quality is the proof indeed. Practicing this hygienic and healthful habit in your regular cooking enhance the flavor of course but improves your health issues as well.

Do give these domestic flour mills a try to achieve, “health bhi, taste bhi”

So, do not delay get yours in your kitchen.



Rajasthani churma recipe

Churma is a rajasthani traditional food which is combined with urad channa dal generally. This is a very rich food and can be preserved for 10 to 15 days in normal conditions. This food is a complete meal itself and a filling diet too. Making this dish is very easy let’s have a look:


Wheat flour: 2 cups

Coarse sugar powder: 1.5 cup

Cardamom powder : 1 tbsp

Chopped dry fruits: ½ cup

Sugar candy : 1 tbsp

Milk : 1.5 cup or as much required to knead the dough

Ghee for moyan : 2 tbsp

Ghee for churma : 1 cup approx..


Add moyan and milk in wheat flour and knead the dough. Divide the dough into equal balls and roll them on rolling board.

Make paranthas by applying ghee on both sides of it on tawa.

After making all the paranthas, cut them into pieces and churn in mixer once they are cooled down. Add ghee to it until gets binding consistency. Now add sugar, cardamom powder, sugar candy and dry fruits. Make the ladoos of this mixture or keep it as well.

This is the one of the methods to make churma. I am sharing here one more process here let’s see how:

Same ingredients will be required for this method also.

Take equal size balls from dough, press them in your fist and deep fry them in ghee. Let them cool down and grind in mixture. Follow the same process as above. Well these are the two ways of making churma. Both process gives the different taste, an texture. So, do try this churma recipe and relish the dish.

I made this with freshly ground multigrain flour immediately with my Greenfuture domestic flour mill. This mill is so compact to place beside any other gadget on your kitchen slab. Grind grains/spices/pulses of your choice according to your required quantity. The aroma, taste and nutritional value of freshly ground ingredient is much higher than the stored one.

So get the most out of your milled materials!!!!!


आधुनिक युग में पुरातन परंपरा

हमारे प्राचीन काल के पास बहुत कुछ अच्छा है हमें देने के लिए। आज भी हम बहुत सी चीजें अपनी दिनचर्या में शामिल करते हैं जो हम अपनी दादी नानी से सुनते आए हैं क्योंकि हम जानते हैं वह बातें या परंपराएं पहले भी और आज भी महत्वपूर्ण हैं। फर्क सिर्फ उन्हें अपनाने में आधुनिकरण का है। आधुनिकता को समझने के लिए परंपरा का ज्ञान होना बहुत जरूरी है क्योंकि उसकी जड़ी वहीं से जुड़ी हुई है। पुराने समय में हमारे ऋषि-मुनियों ने या बाद के समय के वैज्ञानिकों ने तर्क के साथ जो जीवन के नए मापदंड प्रस्तुत किए थे वह आज भी प्रासंगिक हैं। परिवर्तन एक निरंतर चलने वाली प्रक्रिया है जो कि किसी भी परंपरा मे नवीनता लेकर आती है बिना उसके महत्व को कम किए। उसी परंपरा को ग्रीन फ्यूचर प्राइवेट लिमिटेड आपकी रसोई में लेकर आया है बिल्कुल आसान और बेहतरीन इस्तेमाल के साथ। ग्रीन फ्यूचर घरेलू आटा चक्की उसी परंपरागत तरीके से ही किसी भी तरह के अनाज/ मसाले /दालो को पिस्ता है जैसा कि पुराने समय में पत्थर के दो पाटों के बीच में उन्हें डालकर पीसा जाता था। पत्थर से की गई पिसाई अनाज या दूसरे सभी से जाने वाली वस्तुओं के पौष्टिक तत्वों को बरकरार रखती है और आटे को गर्म होने से बचाती है जिससे उसके फाइबर नष्ट नहीं होते। पहले के समय में पूरे दिन के खाने के लिए सुबह ही घर की महिलाओं के द्वारा आटा पीस आ जाता था। उस समय आटे को कई दिनों के लिए पीसकर इकट्ठा करके नहीं रखा जाता था क्योंकि शायद वह जानते थे कि ताजे आटे और पीसकर रखे गए आटे की पौष्टिकता में बहुत अंतर आ जाता है। ताजा पिसा हुआ आटा ज्यादा पौष्टिक होने के साथ-साथ बहुत हल्का भी होता है जो की बूंद के वक्त अधिक पानी सोखता है जिससे आटे की गुणवत्ता कई गुना बढ़ जाती है। ग्रीनफ्यूचर आटा चक्की को इस्तेमाल करना बहुत ही आसान है आप इसे अपनी रसोई के स्लैब पर ही रख सकते हैं। 12″*12″*16″ की इस मशीन से आप बहुत कम समय में किसी भी तरह की अनाज को मनचाहे आकार में पी सकते हैं। इस में प्रयोग आने वाला पत्थर (सेरेमिक कोरेन्डम) आटे को पीसते वक्त ठंडा रखता है। यह पत्थर लंबे समय तक चलने वाला तथा खुद पैदा होने वाला पत्थर है। इस आटा चक्की को प्रयोग करने के बहुत से फायदे में से कुछ इस प्रकार हैं :

1. शुद्धता: बाहर आता विश्वानी में आटे के संक्रमित होने के या उसमें शुद्धता मिलने की संभावना काफी अधिक होती है जिससे आप घर में ग्रीन फ्यूचर ग्रेन ग्राइंडर से आटा पीस कर बच सकते हैं। बाजार से पिसे हुए मसालों में जिस तरह की मिलावट पाई जाती है वह सेहत के लिए बहुत ही ज्यादा हानिकारक होती है। Green future domestic flour Mills की मदद से ना केवल मिलावट को रोका जा सकता है बल्कि घर पर पीसने से मसालों की लागत भी काफी कम होती है।

2. पौष्टिकता: ताजे पिसे हुए आटे में किसी भी अनाज के वह सभी पौष्टिक तत्व मौजूद होते हैं जो स्टोर किए गए आटे में धीरे-धीरे खत्म हो जाते हैं।

3. कम आवाज: इन सभी च चक्कयो में प्रयोग होने वाली elastic bedding को इस तरह से डिजाइन किया गया है कि यह पीसने की समय पैदा होने वाले शोर को बाकी आटा चक्की ओ की तुलना में बहुत कम कर देता है।

4. उत्तम परिणाम: आकार में बहुत छोटी होने के बावजूद इसके परिणाम अविश्वसनीय हैं। इसमें अगर आप कम से कम एक चम्मच अनाज/ मसाले या दाल भी पीसना चाहे तो आप तुरंत ऐसा कर सकते हैं बिना किसी प्रोसेस
लौस के।

5. कम बिजली की खपत: सभी 11 मॉडल्स में छोटी चक्की ओं में 360 वोट तथा बड़ी में 720 वोट की औद्योगिक श्रेणी की मोटर काम करती है जो कि एक यूनिट से भी कम बिजली प्रयोग करके अच्छी रफ्तार में आपको पिसी हुई सामग्री उपलब्ध कराती है।

6. सुविधाजनक: आटा चक्कीओं को प्रयोग करना, उठाना, कहीं ले जाना बेहद आसान है। हर प्रयोग के बाद इसे साफ करने की भी आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती। अपनी आवश्यकता के अनुसार आप जब चाहे सिर्फ एक बटन दबा कर इसे प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। इसके अंदर लगा हुआ ऑटोमेटिक क्लीनिंग ब्रश अंदर किसी भी तरह का अवशेष रहने नहीं देता जिससे मशीन अंदर से साफ ही रहती है। इस तरह से सभी विशेषताएं ग्रीन फ्यूचर फ्लोर मिल्स को दूसरी चकिकयो के मुकाबले में बेहतर और विशेष साबित करती हैं।


ग्रीन फ्यूचर आपके स्वस्थ जीवन की कामना करता है!!!

Add organic in your life!!

Organic Products coming from farms complying with the standards of organic are called organic products. Organic farming promotes ecological balance, recycle resources and conserve biodiversity. Organic food is grown without using most conventional pesticides and fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients; bioengineering or ionizing radiation. Before a product is labelled “organic” a Government approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to ensure the farm is following all the necessary rules to meet the applicable organic standards. Companies in the food chain dealing with organic foods can be certified too. Organic food are free from artificial food additives which includes artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavors, colors, etc.

Organic foods have gained phenomenal popularity over the last 15 years and rightly so, due to the health benefits they offer. Organic food consumption not only help to improve health, and the cultivation of crops through organic methodologies help improve soil quality, conserve groundwater, reduce pollution and are safer for the environment. These days a lot of people are switching from conventional food to organic food, due to the health benefits their consumption offers. Some of the commonly available organic foods are fruits, vegetables, sugar, spices and grains, etc.


The challenge that the consumers buying organic grains face, is how to ensure that the flour that they get milled at local atta chakkis is free of contamination and have the potential nutrients retained in the flour. Further, the quantity also needs to be sufficient to suit the Local atta chakkis process requirements, which might not always be the quantity desired by the consumer, who might need much smaller quantities to ensure freshness of flours and spices. Local atta chakkis are not only infamous for operating in poor hygienic conditions but also for using unethical practices. Further the high speed milling machines damage a lot of nutrients during the milling process. To provide an option to conscious consumers Greenfuture private limited brings to the Indian consumer the possibility of owning super-efficient and world renowned German made “Hawos” Flour mills. These mills are suitable for grinding organic grains, beans, pulses, spices and much more as per requirement.

Freshly stone ground flours/ powders milled through these Mills maintains all the potentially available nutrients &  fibers. Freshly ground organic flour, porridge and spices have higher antioxidants content prevents cells from damage and enhance immune system. It also assists in weight loss and lowers the risk of allergies and eczemas. Organic products have also been shown to have lower level of nitrate which reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. They are also linked to a condition called methemoglobinemia a disease in infants that affect the baby’s ability to carry oxygen. Apart from nutrition the minerals and sugar structures in organic food makes them tastier, as the crops are given naturally required time to grow and mature, moreover they are free from inorganic pesticides. Naturally they have higher delivery in terms of freshness, purity & flavour and reduce food related illness.

Wishing you a healthy life!!!

Take care of your kitchen

Kitchen is the heart of every home. This is the place, you start your day from –with a glass of warm water or a cup of tea/coffee. This area is not only used for cooking meals or filing our stomach but also to develop harmony, satisfaction in the house. As we greatly emphasize on the decor of the living room, which is considered to be the representative of the house, the kitchen is also not a place to be taken granted, for it speaks on the behalf of our home too. When we try our hand on a new recipe, a new feeling, excitement and confidence arise in us. The aroma of seasoning spices, fried vegetables permeated around, attract everyone towards the kitchen to find out what’s cooking in there. This is the magic of kitchen, a few simple ingredients transformed into delectable dishes. When you want your kids to be with you in kitchen to witness these transformations, it means you want to spend some quality time with them.  Therefore, if a place serves so many purposes or where you spend a pretty good part of your day for creating umpteen culinary magic, it deserves the utmost care.

domestic flour mill

Here, I am sharing a few tips which I follow in my kitchen to make it more hygienic, pleasurable, and full of positivity and flavors.

Hygiene: Food prepared in kitchen either fills your body with energy or causes food borne illness. To maintain proper hygiene is very essential requirement.

The key steps are:

  • Try to enter your kitchen in clean clothes and don’t cook while cleaning or dusting. Wash your hands properly before you start the preparation in kitchen.
  • Wash fruits/vegetables and other washable ingredients thoroughly 2 to 3 times before using them.
  • Use perishable items first.
  • Store food items appropriately before and after cooking. Follow the storing instructions carefully.
  • Do not use anything post the expiry date.
  • Remove rings while using fingers for kneading dough or mixing batter etc. they may contain dirt in between them.
  • Keep the counter clean and disinfected by wiping it with lukewarm water and baking soda solution.
  • Disinfect the cabinet and refrigerator handles and faucets regularly.
  • Sort your sink frequently, avoid piling up used utensils in it to prevent bacteria growth.
  • Treat pulses/spices/rice etc. correctly to avoid insect breeding.
  • Use separate cutting boards for raw and cooked material to reduce the risk of cross contamination.
  • Maintain the recommended temperature for different food items.
  • Always use clean and different kitchen dusters for different purposes.

How I make my cooking zone pleasurable:

  • Choose a soothing color combination for walls and cabinets, which makes you feel pleased and calm. Place some fresh flowers in a vase near the kitchen window or any other appropriate place on the kitchen counter. Flowers make your mood cheerful.
  • I keep a compact speaker beside me to enjoy light music. It keeps me energetic and happy the time I am there. Good mood is the most important ingredient than any other in cooking.
  • Keeping frequently used tools handy makes cooking easy and hassle free.
  • Do not create mess on counter, wipe out the spills immediately while doing chopping /mixing/grinding etc.
  • If you have already done enough for the day do not stress yourself with complicated cooking, rather choose a simple and easy dish.

In a nutshell having a functional and aesthetically managed kitchen makes cooking a fun filled activity. Furthermore, you should be in love with the place you spend a pretty good amount of your precious time.

Now a days when kitchens are well equipped with ultra-modern gadgets, GREEN FUTURE domestic flour mills will arguably top the list. These house hold atta chakkis are skillfully designed to complement any kitchen counter in amazing compact sizes, incomparable gorgeous appearances and unprecedented performance without adding to your electricity bills. Operation of these machines is quite a simple job, just plug and play method. Mill your spices/pulses/grains immediately whenever and wherever you require them without making yourself tired.

So, do think over it and do not delay to make this Chhota Jadugar your best companion in your cooking zone to serve freshness and health to your loved ones.


“Imagine your cells smiling back at you saying THANKS”

Food combination you must avoid and why?

Food combination is a term introduced in Ayurveda medicine of ancient India which advocates certain foods, pairs well together while advices against specific combinations.

“Trophology” is the term which specifically describes the science of food combination. Improper food combinations may lead to digestive distress, gas formation, bloating, acidity, skin disorders and many other negative health impacts while combining food correctly can relieve them.

Different food items have different digestion speed. Therefore it is advisable not to combine a fast digestive food with slow digestive one to prevent the stress on digestion mechanism. Secondly, people should take care that foods which require, same enzymes to break it down, at same ph level, will work amazingly otherwise they may cause reverse effects.

Here we will cast a look on a few of the food combinations which should be avoided according to some researches:

  1. fruit with any meal of the day: fruits are absorbed or digested very quickly while grains, meats and other items in our meal takes longer time to get digested. As I mentioned above food with different digestive speed do not form a good combination, as a result fruits stay indigested for too long and get fermented. Therefore, to ingest most of the nutrients of fruits, it is advisable to consume them in a gap of at least 30 to 40 minutes with meal. Best time to have frits empty stomach in the morning.
  2. Milk with sour food items: milk contains laxative while sour food have acidic properties, if both are combined the dairy product will get curdled. So both of them should be consumed between a pretty enough intervals.
  3. Food and water/ juice: This is very commonly known fact that we should not drink water or any other beverage with food. Water dilutes the digestive juices in stomach and disturb the mechanism to break down the proteins. This may lead to fermentation of food. Try to maintain minimum 30 minutes gap before or after meal.
  4. Banana and milk: This combination seems hard to avoid as most of the people have the likings towards it. This is one of the toxin forming combination which can make you feel lethargic. Still if you wanna relish it occasionally, add some cardamom powder, cinnamon powder to make it lighter in digestion.
  5. Eggs and fried meat: Though this combination is liked by most, it may harm your digestion. Both of these items are loaded with high protein which may take longer time and energy to digest. So it is suggested to replace one of them with fresh green grocery or fruits.

There are many other food combination not advisable to consume regularly. I agree, sometimes it’s not possible to combine them properly or it seems boring to always follow the rules, but adopting healthy eating practices will definitely keep you fit.

                                                              “ Eat like you love your body.”

                  To add utmost freshness to your food and consume grain at their best or full potential, Greenfuture has come up with wonderful domestic atta chakkis , providing you the completely hassle free milling.

Whole grain diet – make a switch

Before we proceed further, let’s have an idea what whole grain is? Any grain is mainly sub-categorized into two groups – whole grain and refined grain. Whole grain preserves all three parts called:

Bran: Outer shell of grain which is packed with fiber, antioxidants and numerous minerals.

Endosperm: After that comes this second or middle layer which generally contains carbs.

Germ: Innermost layer provides plenty of vitamins, protein and plant compounds.

Whereas, refined flours are mostly stripped off germ and bran, leaving only the endosperm to achieve finest texture, color and extra life of flour. Once you develop the habit of consuming whole grain in your dietary, you will find them full of nutrients, nice texture and most importantly the flavor which circulate energy in your body.

Americans health and human services department had issued a dietary guideline in 2005 to include at least three servings of whole grain a day. (Source: Everyday

Adding more whole grain over refined flour in your life is a smart choice indeed. It not only fill you up with vitamins and fibers but also satisfy your taste buds without any guilt. Through this blog I intend to take you on a culinary journey with lot more health benefits, enjoying more delicacies to binge on.

Cast a look why one should switch to whole grain flour instead of refined flour while having pastas, breads, buns and tortillas etc.

  1. More fibers and nutrients: Being a part of this journey from beginning you must be acquainted with the higher nutrition value of whole grain. They are particularly high in vitamin B, zinc, iron, magnesium, proteins and antioxidants and fibers while refined flours are deprived of them.
  2. Weight loss: if you are desperate to shed some extra pounds, sticking to whole grain diet is a right decision. Whole grain indulgence is very much useful in losing weight owing to high fibers which make you feel full and consequently prevent overeating.
  3. Reducing the risk of multiple disease: Incorporating WHOLE GRAIN into your diet keeps you healthy for a long. Whole grain may help to decrease the risk of following diseases:
  4. Heart risk and stroke: observational studies have proven that eating whole grain regularly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, which is one of the leading cause of deaths worldwide. A review of 10 studies found that three, 1-ounce (28 gram) serving of whole grain daily may lower heart disease by 22%. Find the blog to help lowering the risk of heart ailments with whole grain flour on our website .
  5. Type2 diabetes: Intake of whole grain flour (at least 2 servings a day) than refined flour proves a great help in preventing type diabetes.
  6. Rectify digestive disorders like constipation because a rich amount of fibers are present in whole grain which are otherwise removed from refined flour.
  7. Pacifying chronic inflammation: Inflammation can be the root cause of many chronic diseases. Fibers in whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal etc.

I think, the above reasons are good enough to encourage you to make the switch, only thing required here is “willingness to change”. To evolve this habit in your daily dietary in an easier and happier way, Greenfuture private limited has taken up the front by introducing its magical table top household flour mills with the pedestal of 12”x12” in numerous beautiful models. These domestic atta chakkis have become an essential gadget in your kitchen to accompany you in serving health, freshness and hygiene without any extra effort or tiring you. These plug and play grinding machines are completely user friendly with unprecedented life and value for money. These atta chakkis use unique grinding process through CERAMIC CORUNDUM, especially designed to maintain the high nutrition value.

Greenfuture domestic flour mills provide you the opportunity to experiment with different grains like, wheat, black gram, corn, millet, barley, buckwheat, rice etc. and spices/pulses with the least quantity you wish to. Now defining the texture or fineness of milling ingredient is possible by moving the lever from 1 to 9. So no more worries to involve the word ‘healthy’ in your life. Go ahead…..for any assistance regarding this we are just a click ( or a call (9810558695) away.

Don’t focus on how much you eat, focus on what you eat!!!!!